The “WHY” behind Young Bulls Society


Chad Myron Lewis is my little brother. He decided to take his life on February 1, 2020.  He suffered with depression for a number of years.  One of our last conversations was for him to move to Houston and start his own clothing brand.  Unfortunately, he never made it to Houston.  He loved to dress up no matter if it was going to work, a party, or just going to the store.

After his passing, I started doing research on suicide rates.  Suicide is the second leading cause of death between the ages of 10-34.  Chad was only 32 years old.  Among the black population, suicide rates peak during adolescence and young adulthood.  As in the overall U.S. population, the suicide death rate for men is more than three times the rate for women in Black populations.

I decided to make Young Bulls Society apparel brand in honor of him. The brand is focused on the black youth that may be struggling with some type of mental health illness.  10% of the profits will be donated to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.  The YBSociety will work on bringing programs to help educate and promote mental wellness within the black community.